Local Business Owner Boosts Ouray Sports

by Chloe Kiparsky

Team spirit at Ouray School is not in short supply - our sports teams are proud, and they hold their heads high - but our athletes’ sports equipment sometimes does not reflect that. An anonymous donor, representing a local business, noticed this and decided to take matters into their own hands.

In December, Ouray School received a donation of Ouray Trojans sports bags, one for every athlete at the school. Every athlete from grades 6-12 has been given a bag to represent the school and show their Trojan pride.

In addition, Athletic director Bernie Pearce said, “A sufficient number of bags was donated so that current 5th graders will be issued a bag during the 2023-2024 school year when they become 6th graders, and so on, for several more years.” 

Not only is this a generous donation, but it will become something for younger kids to look forward to as they join middle school sports. Having a stronger sense of team spirit at Ouray will also encourage more kids to be active and participate in school sports.

“The donor, who attends a variety of sporting and activity events in which Ouray students participate,” said Mr. Pearce, “observed that our youngsters were lacking a commonality of equipment to unify their appearance as representatives of Ouray Schools.” This donation was incredibly thoughtful and generous, and now wherever our players go, people will know that they mean business.